Vincent Rodriguez

Selected Projects

Personal Website

Utilizing HTML and CSS, I have created a simple website with the intent of showcasing more projects than what I can fit on a one page resume. On this website, the user can see an online resume that shows my work history and skills; and, the user can see a list of projects I have done, with links taking them to their respective repository on GitHub. I plan to utilize forms to create a Contact page where a user can input their name, email, and a message they want delivered to me. I plan on using some HTML and CSS frameworks to improve the UI.

Built with: HTML, CSS

Student Assistant Application

The Student Assistant App is an Android mobile application that helps students with time management and organization. The application allows the user to add the information of courses (Course Name, Professor Name, Units, Start Time, End Time, Days) and store those courses in a list. From this list, the user can select a course to see the information about that course. Additionally, the user can edit the course information or delete the course if they choose to.

Built with: Java, SQLite, Android Studio

Tuffy Scheduler

The Tuffy Scheduler app is a course scheduling application. The program loads course information stored in a text file and finds a schedule that can accommodate as many of the courses provided. The software was designed using the object-oriented programming paradigm so that the code can easily be modified, extended, and scaled by other developers.

Built with: C++

Practice Projects

Project Name Languages Used Link
Conway's Game of Life C++
ATM Simulator C++
Connect Four C++
Tic-Tac-Toe C
Rock, Paper, Scissors C++
Wine Festival Schedule HTML, CSS
Friends List SQL
Fashion Blog HTML